Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Electrify Your Jack-o-Lanterns

Tired of buying ton of candles to put in your Halloween Jack-o-lanterns or don't put them out very long to avoid using a lot of candles?  Try electrifying your Jack-o-lanterns by putting a night light in them.

All you need is an extension cord and a small night light with a cover so that it is not so bright.  It it is an uncovered bulb, it may take away from the effect of the Jack-o-lantern. 

1.  When you are finished carving the Jack-o-lantern, cut a square hole about 2" by 2" in the back of the pumpkin so that you can slip the extension cord and night light into it.  You can make it smaller if you want, but you'll have to put the extension cord in the Jack-o-lantern first, the plug the light into it.

Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 1 - cut a hole in the back of the Jack-o-lantern
Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 1 - cut a hole in the back of the Jack-o-lantern

2. Slip the extension cord and light (or just the cord if you opted for a small hole) into the Jack-o-lantern.

Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 2 -slip a nightlight and extension cord into the jack-o-lantern
Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 2 -slip a nightlight and extension cord into the jack-o-lantern
Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 2 - positioning the hole low will help hide the extension cord

3. Position the night light so that the cover is facing the front of the Jack-o-lantern where the face is.  This will prevent the light from being too bright.

Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 3 - position the night light so that the cover faces the front or face of the jack-o-lantern

4. Cover the Jack-o-lantern and plug it in!  If you want, you can put your pumpkins on a timer system with other Halloween decorations.

Electrify your Jack-o-lantern: Step 4 -Cover the jack-o-lantern and plug it in.  Walla!

Electrifying your jack-o-lanterns can make your Halloween Holiday much more enjoyable and make your yard and garden much more festive!

Electrified Jack-o-lanterns

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is totally awesome Halloween jack-o-lanterns.. I will try to make this one..

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